


3WHSthree-way handshake
8VSB8-state vestigial side band modulation
A1Cairman first class
A2ATDanti-armour advanced technology demonstration
A2C2army airspace command and control
AAAauthentication, authorization, [and] accounting
AATaverage access time
ABIapplication binary interface
ABRavailable bit rate
ACalternating current
ACIadjacent channel interferer
ACIDatomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
ACKAmsterdam compiler kit
ACLaccess control list
ACLactive current loop
ACPauxillary control {process,program}
ACPIadvanced configuration and power interface
ACSaccess control set
ACUautomatic calling unit
ADBApple desktop bus
ADCanalog [to] digital converter
ADDacronym driven development
ADOactive data objects
ADPautomatic data processing
ADPCMadaptive differential pulse code modulation
ADSalternate data stream
ADSLasymmetric digital subscriber line
ADTabstract data type
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AFSAndrew File System
AGCautomatic gain control
AGPaccelerated graphics port
AIanalog input
AIartificial intelligence
ALaccess list
ALactive link
ALEaddress latch enable
ALSambient light sensor
ALUarithmetic and logical unit
AMaccess method
AMalignment mask
AMamplitude modulation
AMIalternate mark inversion
AMQPadvanced message queuing protocol
AMTactive management technology
ANArabic number
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOanalog output
AOSadd or subtract
APaccess point
APapplication processor
APIapplication programming interface
APICadvanced programmable interrupt controller
APIPAautomatic private IP addressing
APTadvanced persistent threat
AQMactive queue management
ARATalways running APIC timer
ARCadaptive replacement cache
ARMAdvanced RISC Machines
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ARPAAdvanced Research Projects Agency
ARQautomatic repeat request
ARRaddress range register
ARUaudio response unit
ASautonomous system
ASCadvanced smart cache
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASDagile software development
ASEadvanced software environment
ASEANassociation of southeast asian nations
ASICapplication-specific integrated circuit
ASICaustralian securities and investments commission
ASICaviation security identification card
ASICSanima sana in corpore sano (Latin, "A sound mind in a sound body")
ASKamplitude shif keying
ASLRaddress space layout randomization
ASNautonomous system number
ASPactive server pages
ASPMactive state power management
ASQautomated software quality
ASRaddress space register
ASTabstract syntax tree
ASTasynchronous trap
ATaccess time
ATadvanced technology
ATAadvanced technology attachment
ATAPIadvanced technology attachment packet interface
ATCaddress translation cache
ATMasynchronous transfer mode
ATXadvanced technology extended
AVanti virus
AVXadvanced vector extensions
BAbyte align
BALbasic assembly language
BARbase address register
BBSbulletin board system
BCCblind carbon copy
BCDbinary coded decimal
BCRbyte count register
BCSbase configuration space
BDDbinary decision diagram
BDIbit deinterleave
BDUFbig design up front
BEDOburst extended data output
BERbasic encoding rules
BERbit error {rate,ratio}
BFDbinary {file,format} descriptor
BFKLbig fscking kernel lock
BFSbreadth-first search
BFTbinary file transfer
BGAball grid array
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
BINDBerkeley Internet Name Daemon
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
BIOSbuilt-in operating system
BISTbuilt-in self-test
BIUbus interface unit
BKDGBIOS and kernel developer's guide
BLASbasic linear algebra subprograms
BLCback light control
BLOBbinary large object
BMbus master
BMCbaseboard management controller
BMICbus master interface controller
BNboundary neutral
BNFBackus-Naur form
BObinary output
BOFbeginning of file
BOMbeginning of message
BOMbyte order mark
BPbase pointer
BPboot processor
BPBBIOS parameter block
BPFBerkeley Packet Filter
BPIbits per inch
BPMbusiness process modelling
BPSbits per second
BPSKbinary phase shift keying
BQSBerkeley quality software
BREbasic regular expression
BSbinary sequence
BSAbasic service area
BSDBerkeley Software Distribution
BSFbit scan forward
BSODblue screen of death
BSPbinary space partition
BSPbootstrap processor
BSRbit scan reverse
BSSbasic service set
BSSblock started by symbol
BSSIDbasic service set identifier
BTbit test
BTCbit test [and] complement
BTRbit test [and] reset
BTSbit test [and] set
BTSbits per second
BWMblock-write mode
CAcertificate authority
CADcomputer-aided design
CAMcomputer assisted manufacturing
CAMconditional access module
CAMcontent addressable memory
CARPCommon Address Redundancy Protocol
CAScolumn address strobe
CAScompare and swap
CAScomputer algebra system
CASEcomputer aided software engineering
CAUcontrol access unit
CAVconstant angular velocity
CBCcipher block chaining
CBRconstant bit rate
CCcarbon coby
CCDcharge coupled device
CCIco-channel interferer
CDcache disable
CDcompact disc
CDDAcompact disc digital audio
CDMAcode division multiple access
CDRAMcache dynamic random access memory
CERcanonical encoding rules
CFcompact flash
CFGcontext-free grammar
CFGcontrol-flow graph
CGcontrol gate
CGAColor Graphics Adapter
CGIcommon gateway interface
CGNCarrier-Grade NAT
CHAPChallenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIcontinuous integration
CI{common,component} interface
CIDRClassless Inter-Domain Routing
CIFSCommon Internet File System
CILcommon intermediate language
CIRcarrier-to-interference ratio
CIScontact image sensor
CISCcomplex instruction set {computer,computing}
CJKChinese, Japanese, [and] Korean
CLFcommon log format
CLIcommand line interface
CLRcommon language runtime
CLTTclosed loop thermal throttling
CLUTcolor look-up table
CLVconstant linear velocity
CMconfiguration management
CMAconcert multithread architecture
CMIcontrol management interface
CMIcontrol method interface
CMOScomplementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
CMPchip multi-processing
CMScontent management system
CMYKcyan magenta yellow black
CN{common,canonical} name
CNCcomputer numerical control
CNRcarrier-to-noise ratio
COFcurrent operating frequency
COFDMcoded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
COFFcommon object file format
COMcomponent object model
COMAcache-only memory architecture
CORBAcommon object request broker architecture
CPcontinuous pilot
CPBcore performance boost
CPEcommon phase error
CPGclock pulse generator
CPLcurrent privilege level
CPLDcomplex programmable logic device
CPPC preprocessor
CPScharacters per second
CPTcommand pass through
CPUcentral processing unit
CRcarriage return
CRCcyclic redundancy check
CRLcarrier recovery loop
CRLFcarriage return line feed
CRTcathode ray tube
CScable select
CSchip select
CScode segment
CScomputer science
CSIchannel state information
CSIcommon system interface
CSMAcarrier sense multiple access
CSMA/CAcarrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CSMA/CDcarrier sense multiple access with collision detection
CSRcontrol [and] status registers
CSRGComputer Systems Research Group
CSScascading style sheets
CSVcomma-separated values
CTMclose to metal
CTSclear to send
CUAcommon user access
CUTcoordinated universal time
CVcontrol voltage
CVSConcurrent Versions System
DAdestination address
DAAdistributed application architecture
DABdigital audio broadcasting
DACdigital [to] analog converter
DACdiscretionary access control
DADduplicate address detection
DAOdisk at once
DAPDirectory Access Protocol
DATdigital audio tape
DATdynamic acceleration technology
DBAdatabase administrator
DBAdynamic bandwidth allocation
DBBdata bus buffer
DBCdesign by contract
DBLdynamic buffer limiting
DBMSdatabase management system
DBSdatabase server
DCdirect current
DCCDirect Client-to-Client
DCCdirect cable connect
DCDdata carrier detect
DCEdata control equipment
DCEdistributed computing environment
DCOMdistributed component object model
DCOPDesktop COmmunication Protocol
DCSdata collection systems
DCTdiscrete cosine transform
DCUdata cache unit
DDCdisplay data channel
DDEdynamic data exchange
DDKdevice driver kit
DDLdata description language
DDRdouble data rate
DDSdirect digital sound
DDWGDigital Display Working Group
DEdebugging extensions
DEdesktop environment
DEAdata encryption algorithm
DEKdata encryption key
DEPdata execution prevention
DERdistinguished encoding rules
DESData Encryption Standard
DFdon't fragment
DFAdeterministic finite automaton
DFCdata flow control
DFSdepth first search
DFSdistributed file system
DFTdiagnostic function test
DFTdiscrete Fourier transform
DGLdata generation language
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIFSdistributed inter-frame space
DIMMdual inline memory module
DIRTdesign in real time
DLdiode logic
DLdiscrete logarithm
DLEdata link escape
DLLdynamic link library
DLPdiscrete logarithm problem
DMAdirect memory access
DMIdesktop management interface
DMSdocument management system
DMTdiscrete multitone modulation
DNARDDigital network appliance reference design
DNDdrag and drop
DNSDomain Name System
DOEdistributed object environment
DOFdata over fibre
DOMdocument object model
DOSdenial of service
DOSdisk operating system
DPCdeferred procedure call
DPCMdifferential pulse code modulation
DPDdead peer detection
DPIdeep packet inspection
DPIdots per inch
DPLdescriptor privilege level
DPSDisplay PostScript
DPSTdisplay power savings technology
DRAMdynamic random access memory
DRIdirect rendering infrastructure
DRMdigital rights management
DRRSdisplay refresh rate switching
DSdebug store
DSAdigital signature algorithm
DSBdouble-sideband modulation
DSDTdifferentiated system descriptor table
DSLdigital subscriber line
DSLdomain specific language
DSLAMdigital subscriber line access multiplexer
DSNdelivery status notification
DSOdynamic shared object
DSPdigital signal processor
DSSSdirect sequence spread spectrum
DTDdocument type definition
DTEdata terminal equipment
DTEdumb terminal emulator
DTLdiode-transistor logic
DTSdigital thermal sensor
DUTdevice under test
DVBdigital video broadcasting
DVCSdistributed version control system
DVDdigital versatile disc
DVFSdynamic voltage and frequency scaling
DVIdevice independent
DVIDigital Visual Interface
DVRdigital video recorder
E-XERextended XML encoding rules
EABIembedded-application binary interface
EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol
EBRextended boot record
ECelliptical curve
ECCerror correction code
ECDLelliptical curve discrete logarithm
ECDSAelliptical curve digital signature algorithm
ECLemitter-coupled logic
ECNexplicit congestion notification
ECPenhanced capability port
ECSenhanced chip set
ECSextended configuration space
EDATenhanced dynamic acceleration technology
EDGEexplicit data graph execution
EDIDextended display identification data
EDOextended data out
EDSelectronical data sheet
EEPROMelectrically erasable programmable read only memory
EFIextensible firmware interface
EFLemitter follower logic
EFMeight to fourteen modulation
EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter
EGPexterior gateway protocol
EHextension header
EIDEenchanced IDE
EISAextended industry standard architecture
ELFexecutable and linking format
ELSentry level system
EMIelectro-magnetic interference
EMPelectro-magnetic pulse
EMRelectro-magnetic radiation
EOFend of file
EOIend of interrupt
EOLend of line
EOTend of transmission
EPICexplicitly parallel instruction computing
EPPenhanced parallel port
EPRMLextended partial response, maximum likelihood
EPROMerasable programmable read only memory
ERDemergency recovery disk
ERDentity relationship diagram
EREextended regular expression
ESDRAMenhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory
ESSelectronic switching system
ESSextended service set
ESSIDextended service set identifier
ESTenhanced speedstep
ETLextract, transform, load
EUexecution unit
EULAend user license agreement
FATfile allocation table
FBRAMframe buffer random access memory
FCLfiber channel loop
FCSframe check sequence
FDCfloppy disk controller
FDDfloppy disk drive
FDDIfiber distributed data interface
FDEfull disk encryption
FEAfinite element analysis
FECforward error correction
FETfield-effect transistor
FFform feed
FFHfunctional fixed hardware
FFIforeign function interface
FFMfocus follows mouse
FFSFast File System
FFSfind first set
FFTfast Fourier transform
FGfloating gate
FHSSfrequency hop spread spectrum
FIDfrequency identifier
FIFOfirst in, first out
FILOfirst in, last out
FIRfast infrared
FLOPSfloating [point] operations per second
FLOSSfree/libre/open source software
FMfrequency modulation
FMRfalse match rate
FOSSfree/open source software
FPGAfield programmable gate array
FPMfast page mode
FPRfloating point register
FPUfloating point unit
FQDNfully qualified domain name
FRRfalse rejection rate
FRUfield replaceable unit
FSfile system
FSBfront side bus
FSCKfile system check
FSFFree Software Foundation
FSKfrequency shift keying
FSMfinite-state machine
FTAfault tree analysis
FTLflash translation layer
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTPSFile Transfer Protocol Secure
FUSfast user switching
FWHfirmware hub
FWSfolding white space
GALgeneric array logic
GASgeneric address structure
GCgarbage collector
GCRgroup-coded recording
GDTglobal descriptor table
GEMgraphics environment manager
GEMgraphics execution manager
GENAgeneral event notification architecture
GHCGlasgow Haskell compiler
GIDgroup identifier
GIFgraphics interchange format
GMCHgraphics and memory controller hub
GNUGNU's Not Unix
GOTglobal offset table
GPEgeneral purpose event
GPFgeneral protection fault
GPGGNU Privacy Guard
GPL[GNU] General Public License
GPRgeneral purpose register
GPSgeneralized processor sharing
GPTGUID partition table
GPUgraphics processing unit
GRgolden ratio
GREgeneric routing encapsulation
GSIglobal system interrupt
GUIgraphical user interface
GUIDglobally unique identifier
HAhigh availability
HALhardware abstraction layer
HAThashed array tree
HBAhost bus adapter
HCFhalt and catch fire
HCIhost controller interface
HCIhuman-computer interaction
HCLhardware compatibility list
HDCPHigh-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
HDDhard disk drive
HDLhardware description language
HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDTVhigh-definition television
HFhigh frequency
HFMhighest frequency mode
HIDhuman interface device
HLLhigh-level language
HMAhigh memory area
HMIhuman-machine interface
HOODhierarchical object oriented design
HPChigh performance computing
HPEThigh precision event timer
HTChardware thermal control
HTCChigh temperature co-fired ceramic
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTThyper-threading technology
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HVMhardware virtual machine
I2Ointelligent input/output
IAinformation assurance
IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
IBCiterated block cipher
IBMInternational Business Machines
IBSinstruction based sampling
IBSSindependent basic service set
ICintegrated circuit
ICAindependent computer architecture
ICBInternet Citizen's Band
ICEin-circuit emulator
ICEinternal compiler error
ICHI/O controller hub
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
ICTinformation and communications technology
ICWinitialization command word
IDAIntel dynamic acceleration
IDCMPIntuition direct communication message port
IDEintegrated development environment
IDEintegrated drive electronics
IDPSintrusion detection [and] prevention system
IDRPinter-domain routing protocol
IDSintrusion detection system
IDTinterrupt descriptor table
IEInternet Explorer
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IESGInternet Engineering Steering Group
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IFintermediate frequency
IFCMisochronous flow control mode
IFFInterchange File Format
IGDInternet gateway device
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IGPinterior gateway protocol
IHVindependent hardware vendor
IKEInternet key exchange
ILMinternal loopback mode
ILOMintegrated lights-out management
ILPinstruction level parallelism
IMinstant messaging
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
IMCintegrated memory controller
IMCRinterrupt mode configuration register
IMRinterrupt mask register
IMSinformation management system
INCITSInterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
IOCTLinput/output control
IOMMUinput/output memory management unit
IOTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
IPintellectual property
IPCinterprocess communication
IPEintegrated programming environment
IPIinterprocessor interrupt
IPNGInternet Protocol, Next Generation
IPSin-plane switching
IPSintrusion prevention system
IPSECInternet Protocol Security
IRCInternet Relay Chat
IRDAinfrared data association
IRQinterrupt request
IRQLinterrupt request level
IRRinterrupt request register
IRTFInternet Research Task Force
ISinformation system
ISAindustry standard architecture
ISAinstruction set architecture
ISDNintegrated services digital network
ISIinter-symbol interference
ISMindustrial, scientific, [and] medical
ISNinitial serial number
ISOInternational Standards Organization
ISOCInternet Society
ISPInternet service provider
ISRin-service register
ISRinterrupt service routine
ISTinterrupt stack table
ISVindependent software vendor
ITinformation technology
ITBIntel Turbo Boost
IVinitialization vector
IVTinterrupt vector table
JBODjust a bunch of disks
JFETjunction [gate] field-effect transistor
JITjust in time
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JREJava Runtime Environment
JTAGjoint test action group
KLOCthousand lines of code
KMSkernel-mode setting
KPIkernel programming interface
KVAkernel virtual address
KVMkernel virtual machine
KVMkernel virtual memory
KVMkeyboard, video, [and] mouse
LAMPLinux Apache MySQL {Perl,PHP,Python}
LANlocal area network
LAPIClocal advanced programmable interrupt controller
LARload access rights
LBAlogical block addressing
LBSlocation-based service
LCDliquid crystal display
LCPlink control protocol
LDAlocal delivery agent
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDRlight-dependent resistor
LDTlocal descriptor table
LElogical extent
LEDlight emitting diode
LERlabel edge router
LFline feed
LFlow frequency
LFMlowest frequency mode
LFNlong file names
LFOlow-frequency oscillation
LFSlog-structured file system
LFUleast frequently used
LHPloop heat pipe
LIFOlast in, first out
LILOLInux LOader
LILOlast in, last out
LINTlocal interrupt
LIRlocal Internet registry
LKM{Linux,loadable} kernel module
LKMLLinux kernel mailing list
LLload linked
LL/SCload linked/store conditional
LLClogical link control
LLDPlink layer discovery protocol
LLFlow level format
LLMNRlink-local multicast name resolution
LLVMLow Level Virtual Machine
LMlong mode
LMMlink management mode
LNOloop nest optimization
LOClines of code
LOMlights-out management
LPClow pin count
LPSlocal positioning system
LRClongitudinal redundancy check
LRMleft-to-right mark
LROleft-to-right override
LRUleast recently used
LSBLinux standards base
LSBleast significant {bit,byte}
LSIlarge scale integration
LSLload segment limit
LSNLarge Scale NAT
LSNlog sequence number
LSRlabel switch router
LTCClow temperature co-fired ceramic
LTOlink time optimization
LTRleft to right
LTRload task register
LTRletter(-sized paper)
LUNlogical unit number
LVlogical volume
LVMlogical volume management
LVTlocal vector table
LWPlight-weight process
LZWLempel Ziv Welch
MACmandatory access control
MACmedium access control
MACmessage authentication {check,code}
MADTmultiple APIC descriptor table
MBRmaster boot record
MBSmegabits per second
MCmemory controller
MCAmachine check architecture
MCAMicroChannel architecture
MCCmultiversion concurrency control
MCEmachine check exception
MCGAMulti-Color Graphics Array
MCHmemory controller hub
MCMmulti-chip module
MCQmemory controlled queue
MDAmail delivery agent
MDAMonochrome Display Adapter
MDRAMmultibank dynamic random access memory
MESImodified, exclusive, shared, invalid
MFCmerge from current
MFCMicrosoft Foundation Classes
MFMmodified frequency modulation
MIBmanagement information base
MICmessage integrity {check,code}
MIDmobile Internet device
MIDImusical instrument digital interface
MIFmanagement information format
MIMman in the middle
MIMDmultiple instruction, multiple data
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIMOmultiple input multiple output
MIPSmillion instructions per second
MISDmultiple instruction, single data
MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology
MITMman in the middle
MLmachine language
MLmachine learning
MLmailing list
MLmarkup language
MLmaximum likelihood
MLCmulti-level cell
MLHPmicro loop heat pipe
MMICmonolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMIOmemory mapped input/output
MMORPGmassive multiplayer online role playing game
MMUmemory management unit
MMXmatrix math extension
MMXmultimedia extension
MMXmultiple math extension
MOESImodified, owned, exclusive, shared, invalid
MOFmaximum operating frequency
MOSFETmetal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
MOSImodified, owned, shared, invalid
MPEGmoving picture experts group
MPImessage passing interface
MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switching
MPPmassively parallel processor
MPSmemory pool system
MPSmultiprocessor specification
MRmodem ready
MRUmost recently used
MSBmost significant {bit,byte}
MSEmean square error
MSFminutes seconds frames
MSImessage signaled interrupt
MSImodified, shared, invalid
MSNmicrosoft network
MSRmachine state register
MSSmaximum segment size
MTmachine translation
MTAmail transfer agent
MTBFmean time between failures
MTPmedia transfer protocol
MTRRmemory type range register
MTTFmean time to failure
MTUmaximum transmission unit
MUAmail user agent
MUDmulti-user domain
MVCCmultiversion concurrency control
MWEmodule width encoding
MXmail exchange
NACKnegative acknowledgement
NANnot a number
NAPTNetwork Address Port Translation
NASnetwork attached storage
NATnetwork address translation
NAVnetwork allocation vector
NCnumerical control
NCOnumerically-controlled oscillator
NCPNetwork Control Protocol
NCQnative command queuing
NDneighbor discovery
NDFAnondeterministic finite automaton
NEnumeric error
NFAnondeterministic finite automaton
NFSnetwork file system
NIAnext instruction address
NICnetwork information center
NICnetwork interface card
NIDSnetwork intrusion detection system
NIPnetwork interface protocol
NIPSnetwork intrusion prevention system
NISnetwork information service
NLSnative language support
NMInon-maskable interrupt
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
NOCnetwork operations center
NOPno operation
NOSnetwork operating system
NPnondeterministic polynomial time
NRZnon-return to zero
NSANational Security Agency
NTMnon-deterministic Turing machine
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NUMAnon-uniform memory access
NVRAMnon-volatile random access memory
NWnot write-through
NXno execute
OAEPoptimal asymmetric encryption padding
OBOoff by one
OBOEoff by one error
OCLobject constraint language
OCRoptical character recognition
ODCMon-demand clock modulation
ODTon-die termination
OEMoriginal equipment manufacturer
OFDMorthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OFETorganic field-effect transistor
OLAPonline analytical processing
OLEobject linking and embedding
OLTPonline transaction processing
ONFIopen nand flash interface
OOobject oriented
OOBout of band
OOEout of order execution
OOMout of memory
OOPobject oriented programming
OOPSobject oriented programming systems
OOSEobject oriented software engineering
OPMoperations per minute
OPSoperations per second
OQLObject Query Language
ORBobject request broker
ORMobject-relational mapping
OSoperating system
OSDopen source definition
OSFopen software foundation
OSIOpen Source Initiative
OSIopen systems interconnection
OSPFopen shortest path first
OSPMOS power management
OSSopen sound system
OSSopen source software
OSVWoperating system visible workarounds
OTPone time password
OTPopen telecom platform
OUorganizational unit
OUIorganizationally unique identifier
OWLWeb Ontology Language
P2Ppeer to peer
PAphase accumulator
PAphysical address
PACphase-amplitude converter
PAEphysical address extension
PALphase alternating line
PALprogrammable array logic
PAMpluggable authentication modules
PAMpulse amplitude modulation
PAPpassword authentication protocol
PATpage attribute table
PATport address translation
PATAparallel ATA
PAXportable archive exchange
PBEpending break encoding
PBEprogramming by example
PCpersonal computer
PCprogram counter
PCBprinted circuit board
PCCPortable C Compiler
PCDpage-level cache disable
PCEperformance-monitor counter enable
PCIperipheral component interconnect
PCMphase change memory
PCMpulse code modulation
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCPPort Control Protocol
PDpublic domain
PDApersonal digital assistant
PDApushdown automaton
PDAGpropositional directed acyclic graph
PDBpower distribution board
PDFportable document format
PDMpulse-duration modulation
PDNpull-down network
PDPpage {descriptor,directory} page
PDSproduct data sheet
PDUprotocol data unit
PEprotection enable
PECIplatform environment control interface
PEPprotocol extension protocol
PERpacked encoding rules
PFSperfect forward secrecy
PGASpartitioned global address space
PGEpage global enable
PGPPretty Good Privacy
PHBPCI host bridge
PHPPHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PICposition independent code
PICprogrammable interrupt controller
PICNICproblem in chair, not in computer
PIDprocess id
PIEposition independent executable
PIMpersonal information manager
PIMplatform-independent model
PIOprogrammed input/output
PIPTphysically indexed, physically tagged
PIQprefetch input queue
PITprogrammable interrupt timer
PIVpersonal identity verification
PKCSpublic-key cryptography standards
PKIpublic key infrastructure
PLCprogrammable logic controller
PLDprogrammable logic device
PLLphase locked loop
PLRUpseudo LRU
PLTMpackage level thermal management
PMpower management
PM{phase,pulse} modulation
PMEpower management event
PMIplatform management interrupt
PMIOport-mapped input/output
PMTphoto-multiplier tube
PMUpower management unit
PNGportable network graphics
PNPplug and play
POEpower over ethernet
POFprobability of failure
POPPost Office Protocol
POPpower on password
POSIXPortable Operating System Interface [for Unix]
POSTpower on self test
POTSplain old telephone system
PPpair programming
PPBPCI [to] PCI bridge
PPIpixels per inch
PPMpages per minute
PPPPoint-to-Point Protocol
PPPOAPoint-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPOEPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PPUphysics processing unit
PRBSpseudo-random bit sequence
PRMLpartial response, maximum likelihood
PRNpseudo random {noise,number}
PRNGpseudo random number generator
PROMprogrammable read only memory
PSDpower spectral density
PSEpage size extensions
PSKphase shift keying
PSKpre-shared key
PSTNpublic switched telephone network
PSWprogram status word
PTEpage table entry
PTLApseudo top level aggregator
PTPpage table page
PTVperceived target value
PUprocessing unit
PUNphysical unit number
PVphysical volume
PVGphysical volume group
PVIprotected-mode virtual interrupt
PWMpulse width modulation
PXEpreboot execution environment
QAquality assurance
QAMquadrature amplitude modulation
QAMquality assurance management
QBEquery by example
QCquality control
QDIquasi delay insensitive
QOSquality of service
R/Oread only
RAreceiver address
RAremote assistance
RAresource affinity
RArouter advertisement
RADrapid application development
RAIDredundant array of {independent,inexpensive} disks
RAMrandom access memory
RASreliability, availability and serviceability
RASremote access service
RASrestartable atomic sequence
RASrow address strobe
RBFradial basis function
RBTred-black tree
RCrelease candidate
RCremote control
RCSRevision Control System
RCSrevision control system
RCUread, copy, update
RDBRigid Disk Block
RDBMSrelational database management system
RDFResource Description Framework
RDMrelational data model
RDMAremote direct memory access
REregular expression
RESTrepresentational state transfer
RFradio frequency
RFIradio frequency interference
RFOrequest for ownership
RGBred green blue
RGBAred green blue alpha
RHread hit
RHELRed Hat Enterprise Linux
RHLRed Hat Linux
RIBrouting information base
RIFFResource Interchange File Format
RIPRouting Information Protocol
RIRregional Internet registry
RISCreduced instruction set {computer,computing}
RKMROM Kernel Manual
RLErun length encoding
RLLrun length limited
RLOright-to-left override
RMread miss
RMIremote method invocation
RMPMrapid memory power management
RMSroot mean square
RMWread, modify, write
RNGrandom number generator
ROMread only memory
RPCremote procedure call
RPLrequested privilege level
RPMrevolutions per minute
RPNreverse Polish notation
RRrandom replacement
RRround robin
RSrelay station
RSARivest, Shamir, [and] Adleman
RSIPRealm Specific IP
RSSreally simple syndication
RSSresidual sum of squares
RTreal time
RTCreal time clock
RTCreal time computing
RTFrich text format
RTLregister transfer language
RTLresistor-transistor logic
RTLright to left
RTOSreal time operating system
RTSrequest to send
RTTround trip time
RUPrational unified process
RWMread-write memory
S/PDIFSony/Philips Digital Interface Format
SAsecurity advisory
SAsecurity association
SAsource address
SAstructured analysis
SAASsoftware as a service
SACDsuper audio compact disc
SADsecurity association database
SALsystem abstraction layer
SAMserial access memory
SAMsum addressed memory
SANstorage area network
SAPICstreamlined advanced programmable interrupt controller
SASDstructured analysis, structured design
SASIShugart Associates System Interface
SASLsimple authentication [and] security layer
SATAserial advanced technology attachment
SBsound blaster
SBUstandard build unit
SCstore conditional
SCAsource code analyzer
SCADAsupervisory control and data acquisition
SCCsingle chip cloud
SCCsource code control
SCCSSource Code Control System
SCIscalable coherent interface
SCIsystem control interrupt
SCMsoftware configuration management
SCMsource code management
SCMstorage-class memory
SCPsecure copy
SCSISmall Computer System Interface
SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol
SDIsymbol deinterleave
SDKsoftware development kit
SDLSimple Declarative Language
SDLSimple Direct-media Layer
SDRAMsynchronous dynamic random access memory
SDTsyntax-directed translation
SEGVsegmentation violation
SEOsearch engine optimization
SFCsequential function chart
SFIsimple firmware interface
SFIsoftware fault isolation
SFTPSSH File Transfer Protocol
SFTPSerial File Transfer Protocol
SFTPSimple File Transfer Protocol
SGRAMsynchronous graphics random access memory
SIFSshort inter-frame space
SIMDsingle instruction, multiple data
SIMMsingle inline memory module
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SIRsignal-to-interference ratio
SIRslow infrared
SISDsingle instruction, single data
SLCsingle-level cell
SLDRAMsynchronous-link dynamic random access memory
SLEDsingle large expensive disk
SLIscalable link interface
SLIscan-line interleave
SLOCsource lines of code
SLRUsegmented LRU
SMAsmart memory access
SMAFsystem management action field
SMARTself-monitoring analysis and reporting technology
SMBIOSSystem Management BIOS
SMCsystem management controller
SMIstructure of management information
SMIsystem management interrupt
SMMsystem management mode
SMPsymmetric multiprocessing
SMTsimultaneous multithreading
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMUsystem management unit
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SNRsignal-to-noise ratio
SOAservice oriented architecture
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SOCsystem on chip
SOFstart of frame
SOHstart of header
SOHOsmall office/home office
SOLserial over LAN
SPservice pack
SPstack pointer
SPARCscalable processor architecture
SPARQLSPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
SPDsecurity policy database
SPDserial presence detect
SPDIFSony/Philips digital interface format
SPIserial peripheral interface
SPIstateful packet inspection
SPMDsingle process, multiple data
SPRspecial purpose register
SPTsectors per track
SQAsoftware quality assurance
SQLStructured Query Language
SRAMstatic random access memory
SRCsample rate conversion
SSstack segment
SSBsingle-sideband modulation
SSDsolid state drive
SSEstreaming SIMD extensions
SSFDCsolid state floppy disc card
SSHsecure shell
SSIserver side includes
SSIDservice set identifier
SSLsecure sockets layer
SSPstack smashing protection
STCsoftware thermal control
STDstate transition diagram
STPSpanning Tree Protocol
STPshielded twisted pair
SUSSingle Unix Specification
SUTsystem under test
SVGscalable vector graphics
SVGASuper Video Graphics Array
SVMsecure virtual machine
SVMsupport vector machine
SVRSystem V Release
SWFShockwave Flash
SWIGsimplified wrapper [and] interface generator
SYRsymbol timing recovery
TAtest assertion
TAtransmitter address
TAIinternational atomic time
TAOtrack at once
TAOCPThe Art of Computer Programming
TAPTest Anything Protocol
TAStest and set
TCBtrace capture buffer
TCBtrusted computing base
TCCthermal control circuit
TCLtool command language
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TCQtagged command queueing
TDCtime [to] digital converter
TDDtest driven development
TDDtime division duplex
TDMtime division multiplexing
TDMAtime division multiple access
TDOAtime difference of arrival
TDPthermal design {point,power}
TECOText Editor and Corrector
TFTthin film transistor
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
TIAStry it and see
TIFFtagged image file format
TITStry it to see
TKtemporal key
TKIPTemporal Key Integrity Protocol
TLAtop level aggregator
TLBtranslation lookaside buffer
TLDtop level domain
TLSthread local storage
TLStransport layer security
TMTuring machine
TMthermal monitor
TMDStransition minimized differential signaling
TODtime of day
TOSterms of service
TOStrusted operating system
TOStype of service
TPtransaction processing
TPItracks per inch
TPMtransactions per minute
TPMtrusted platform module
TPRtask priority register
TPStransactions per second
TPStransmission parameters signaling
TRtask register
TRtoken ring
TRLtiming recovery loop
TRNGtrue random number generator
TSterminal services
TStime series
TStime stamp
TStransport stream
TSCtime stamp counter
TSDtime stamp disable
TSLtest, set, lock
TSOtime sharing option
TSPTime-Stamp Protocol
TSPTunnel Setup Protocol
TSPtime synchronization protocol
TSPtraveling salesman problem
TSStask state segment
TTLtime to live
TTLtransistor-transistor logic
TTMtranslation table maps
TUI{terminal,text-based,textual} user interface
TX{transmit out,transmitter}
TZtime zone
UACuser {access,account} control
UARTuniversal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UATuser acceptance testing
UCSuniform-cost search
UDOultra density optical
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UFSUnix File System
UIunit interval
UIuser interface
UIDunique identifier
UIDuser identifier
UMAuniform memory access
UMAupper memory area
UMBupper memory block
UMLunified modeling language
UMPCultra-mobile PC
UPNPuniversal plug and play
UPSuninterruptible power supply
URIuniform resource identifier
URLuniform resource locator
URNuniform resource name
USARTuniversal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
USBuniversal serial bus
USWCuncacheable speculative write combining
UTunit test
UTCcoordinated universal time
UTPunshielded twisted pair
UUCPUnix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
UUIDuniversally unique identifier
UUOCuseless use of cat
UUTunit under test
UXuser experience
VAvertical alignment
VAvirtual address
VAXvirtual address extension
VBVisual Basic
VCAvariable-gain amplifier
VCCcommon collector voltage
VCFvoltage-controlled filter
VCMvirtual channel memory
VCOvoltage-controlled oscillator
VCSversion control system
VESAVideo Electronics Standards Association
VFOvariable-frequency oscillator
VGvolume group
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VHDCIvery high density cable interconnect
VIDvoltage level identifier
VIPTvirtually indexed, physically tagged
VIVTvirtually indexed, virtually tagged
VLANvirtual local area network
VLIWvery long instruction word
VLSIvery large scale integration
VLSMvariable length subnet mask
VMvirtual {machine,memory}
VMEvirtual mode extension
VMXvector multimedia extensions
VMXvirtual machine extensions
VODvideo on demand
VPNvirtual private network
VRvirtual reality
VRAMvideo random access memory
VRMvoltage regulator module
VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium
WANwide area network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WAPwireless access point
WDTwatchdog timer
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
WFIwait for interrupt
WFQweighted fair queuing
WHwrite hit
WIFIwireless fidelity
WLANwireless local area network
WMwrite miss
WMIWindows Management Instrumentation
WORMwrite once read many
WPword processor
WPwrite protect
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
WPA2Wi-Fi Protected Access II
WPSWi-Fi Protected Setup
WRAMwindow random access memory
WSweb services
WTCwrite through caching
WWANwireless wide area network
WWWworld wide web
WYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get
XDMCPX Display Manager control protocol
XERXML encoding rules
XGAExtended Graphics Array
XIPexecute in place
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XORexclusive or
XPextreme programming
XSIX/Open System Interface
XSLextensible stylesheet language
XSScross site scripting
XTextended technology
XULXML user interface language
YACCyet another compiler compiler
YAWPFAPRyou are welcome; please file a problem report
YPYellow Pages
YTDyear to date
ZBRzone bit recording
ZFODzero-filled on demand
ZIFzero insertion force
ZIFSzero insertion force socket
ZMAzone multicast address




10Qthank you
1337elite ("leet")
224today, tomorrow, forever
31337elite ("eleet")
4TWfor the win
AAMOFas a matter of fact
ABDall but dissertation
ACaudible chuckle
ADDattention deficit disorder
ADHDattention deficit (and) hyperactivity disorder
ADNany day now
ADOSattention deficit ... oh, shiny!
AEAPas early as possible
AFAIACas far as I am concerned
AFAICas far as I'm concerned
AFAICRas far as I can {recall,remember}
AFAICSas far as I can see
AFAICTas far as I can tell
AFAIKas far as I know
AFAIRas far as I {recall,remember}
AFAIUas far as I understand
AFDaway from desktop
AFKaway from keyboard
AFWaway from window
AGMannual general meeting
AINECand it's not even close
AISEas I see it
AIUas I understand
AIUIas I understand it
AKAalso known as
AMante meridiem
AMOLa mountain of love
ASAICas soon as I can
ASAPas soon as possible
ATEOTDat the end of the day
ATMat the moment
ATM{automated,automatic} teller machine
ATWaround the world
AWKAho, Weinberger, [and] Kernighan
AWOLabsent without official leave
AYBABTUall your base are belong to us
AYFall your fault
AYORat your own risk
AYTare you there
BAKback at keyboard
BBIABbe back in a bit
BBL[I'll] be back later
BBRburnt beyond repair
BBSbe back soon
BBTbe back tomorrow
BCNUbe seeing you
BCNUL8Rbe seeing you later
BCPbest current practice
BFbest friend
BFFbest {friend,friends} forever
BIABback in a bit
BIAFback in a few
BIALWback in a little while
BIASback in a second
BIAWback in a while
BNYAburned now you are
BOCbut of course
BOFHbastard operator from hell
BOTback on topic
BRB[I'll] be right back
BSDbooze, sex, drugs
BTDTbeen there, done that
BTFTbeen there, fixed that
BTTHboot to the head
BTWby the way
BYOBbring your own {beer,booze}
CCcredit card
CEOchief executive officer
CFVcall for votes
CFYcalling for you
CGcenter of gravity
CHANOPSchannel operator status
CMIIWcorrect me if I'm wrong
CNPcontinued [in my] next post
COBclose of business [day]
COTScommercial off-the-shelf
CPCcost per click
CPEcustomer premises equipment
CTNcan't talk now
CUsee you
CULsee you later
CYAsee ya
CYAsee you around
CYEcheck your email
D/B/Adoing business as
DBAdoing business as
DBEYRdon't believe everything you read
DIAFYOdid I ask for your opinion?
DIYdo it yourself
DKDCdon't know, don't care
DMdungeon master
DMZdemilitarized zone
DNDdo not disturb
DOAdead on arrival
DRYdon't repeat yourself
DSTMdon't shoot the messenger
DTRTdo the right thing
DTWTdo the wrong thing
DWIMdo what I mean
DYKdo you know?
ECRelectronic cash register
EDSeternal downward spiral
EFTelectronic funds transfer
EGevil grin
EIEenough is enough
EMSGemail message
EOBend of business [day]
EODend of {day,discussion}
EOLend of life
EOMend of message
EOSend of story
ETAedited to add
ETAestimated time of arrival
ETLAextended three letter acronym
ETRearly to rise
EWAGexperienced wild-ass guess
FAQfrequently asked question
FBOWfor better or worse
FCFSfirst come, first served
FCOLfor crying out loud
FFSfree for shipping
FITBfill in the blank
FNOfor nerds only
FNOfrom now on
FOCfree of charge
FPSfirst person shooter
FPSframes per second
FSDOfor some definition of
FSVOfor some value of
FTBFSfails to build from source
FTFYfixed that for you
FTHOIfor the {heck,hell} of it
FTLfaster than light
FTLfor the loss
FTTTfrom time to time
FTWfor the win
FUDfear, uncertainty, [and] doubt
FWIWfor what it's worth
FYEOfor your eyes only
FYIfor your information
G/Cgarbage collect
G2Ggot to go
G2Kgood to know
GAgo ahead
GACget a clue
GALget a life
GBTWget back to work
GFUgood for you
GFYgood for you
GGgood game
GGAgood game all
GGPgood game partner
GGWPgood game, well played
GIGOgarbage in, garbage out
GIYFGoogle is your friend
GJgood job
GLgood luck
GLHFgood luck, have fun
GLINEglobal kill line
GLWTgood luck with that
GMgame master
GMTGreenwich mean time
GMTAgreat minds think alike
GOKGod only knows
GOWIget on with it
GPSglobal positioning system
GTGgot to go
GTHgo to hell
GTSY{glad,good} to see you
GWSget well soon
HANDhave a nice day
HEhow embarrasing
HFhave fun
HHIShanging head in shame
HHOSha ha, only serious
HICAhere it comes again
HNYhappy new year
HOAShold on a second
HOPShalf-operator status
HTHhope this helps
IACin any case
IAEin any event
IANALI am not a lawyer
IAWin another window
IAWTCI agree with this comment
IAWTPI agree with this post
IAYI adore you
IBI'm back
ICI see
ICBWI could be {worse,wrong}
ICCLI couldn't care less
ICURI see you are
ICYMIin case you missed it
IDCI don't care
IDGII don't get it
IDGWin a good way
IDII doubt it
IDIFTLI did it for the lulz
IDKI don't know
IDRCI don't really care
IDTSI don't think so
IDTTI drink to that
IHBWI have been wrong
IIANMif I am not mistaken
IIRCif I {recall,remember} correctly
IIUCif I understand correctly
IKRI know, right?
IKWYMI know what you mean
ILUI love you
ILYI love you
IMAOin my arrogant opinion
IMBOin my biased opinion
IMCOin my considered opinion
IMHOin my humble opinion
IMNSHOin my not so humble opinion
IMOin my opinion
INB4in before
INPOin no particular order
IOWin other words
IPMLI pissed myself laughing
IQintelligence quotient
IRCOPInternet relay chat {operator,operators}
IRCOPSInternet relay chat operator status
IRLin real life
IRTin real time
IRTin regards to
ISAGNI see a great need
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
ISTMit seems to me
ISTRI seem to {recall,remember}
ITCin this {channel,chat}
ITTin this thread
ITYMI think you mean
IUDinsert usual disclaimers
IUSSif you say so
IWit's worse
IWBNIit would be nice if
IYDin your dreams
IYKWIMif you know what I mean
IYSSif you say so
IYSWIMif you see what I mean
J/Kjust kidding
JAMjust a minute
JASjust a second
JFKJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy
JFTRjust for the record
JFYIjust for your information
JGIjust Google it
JGIjust got it
JHDjust hit delete
JICjust in case
JJAjust joking around
JKjust kidding
JMOjust my opinion
JSYKjust so you know
JTLYKjust to let you know
JWjust wondering
KISSkeep it simple, stupid
KITAkick in the ass
KKokay, okay
KLINEkill line
KMAkeep me advised
KMAkeep moving ahead
KMAkill me already
KNFkernel normal form
KOSkill on sight
KTHXokay, thanks
KTHXBAIokay, thanks. Goodbye.
KWIMknow what I mean?
LARTluser attitude readjustment tool
LBNLlast but not least
LGTMlooks good to me
LJBFlet's just be friends
LMAOlaughing my ass off
LMClet me check
LMGTFYlet me google that for you
LMHOlaughing my head off
LMKlet me know
LMNOlaughing my nuts off
LMSOlaughing my socks off
LOIClow orbit ion cannon
LOLlaughing out loud
LPlong playing [record]
LTNSlong time no see
LWYLlaugh with you later
MADmutually assured destruction
MFWmy face when
MIAmissing in action
MMBmessage me back
MOmodus operandi
MOTASmember of the appropriate sex
MOTOSmember of the opposite sex
MOTSSmember of the same sex
MTFmore to follow
MYOBmind your own business
N/Anot {applicable,available}
N/Mnever mind
NAFAIKnot as far as I know
NBDno big deal
NEDMnot even Doom music
NFAno flaming allowed
NIFOCnaked in front of computer
NIHnot invented here
NIMBYnot in my backyard
NMnever mind
NMFnot my fault
NMPnot my problem
NMUnot much, you?
NOMno offence meant
NORPnormal ordinary {respectable,responsible} person
NOYBnone of your business
NPno problem
NPCnon-player character
NRFPTnot ready for prime time
NRNno reply necessary
NRNnot right now
NSFWnot suitable for work
NTNno thanks needed
NUNPno users, no problems
NVMnever mind
NWno way
NYPAnot your personal army
O2Woff to work
OAOover and out
ODTWothers do the work (cf. "otdw source")
OFCof course
OHother half
OICoh, I see
OMGoh my God
OMWon my way
ONNAoh no, not again
ONNTAoh no, not this again
OOBout of bounds
OOCout of curiosity
OOIout of interest
OOSOOMout of sight, out of mind
OPSoperator status
ORITEoh, right
OToff topic
OTLout to lunch
OTOHon the other hand
OTPone true pairing
OTSoff the shelf
OTTover the top
OTTOMHoff the top of my head
OWTTEor words to that effect
PCplayer character
PCpolitically correct
PCBpolychlorinated biphenyl(s)
PDpolice department
PDApublic display of affection
PDQpretty darn quick
PDSplease don't shout
PEBCAKproblem exists between chair and keyboard
PEBKACproblem exists between keyboard and chair
PFIpay for inclusion
PFYpimply faced youth
PHBpointy haired boss
PINpersonal identification number
PITApain in the ass
PITR{parent,parents} in the room
PKSPpound keys and spew profanity
PMpost meridiem
PMFIproblem magically fixed itself
PMFJIpardon me for jumping in
PMSLpissing myself laughing
PNGpersona non grata
PNPplug and pray
POCpoint of contact
POCproof of concept
POLAprinciple of least astonishment
POLSprinciple of least surprise
POSpoint of sale
POVpoint of view
PPLpretty please
PPPpetty pet peeve
PRpublic relations
PTVparental tunnel vision
QEDquod erat demonstrandum
QFTquoted for truth
RAresidential advisor
RFCrequest for comments
RFDrequest for discussion
RFErequest for enhancements
RIPrest in peace
RLreal life
RLCrod length check
RMSRichard Matthew Stallman
ROFLrolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAOrolling on floor laughing my ass off
ROIreturn on investment
ROTFLrolling on the floor laughing
RPresponsible person
RSIrepetitive strain injury
RSNreal soon now
RSVPrespondez s'il vous plait ("reply please")
S/Tself titled
SARsearch and rescue
SARsome assembly required
SCNRsorry, could not resist
SEPsomeone else's problem
SERPsearch engine results page
SFAICTso far as I can tell
SHIDslaps head in disgust
SIMCAsitting in my chair amused
SITDstill in the dark
SMHshaking my head
SMLSFBso many losers, so few bullets
SMOPsimple matter of programming
SNERTsnot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SNMPsorry, not my problem
SOsignificant other
SOBson of [a] bitch
SOPstandard operating procedure
SSIAsubject says it all
SSTOsingle stage to orbit
STWsearch the web
SUSstupid user syndrome
SUX2BUsucks to be you
SWAGsilly, wild-assed guess
SWAHBIsilly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
SWMBOshe who must be obeyed
SYSsee you soon
TAteaching assistant
TANSTAAFLthere ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBAto be announced
TBCto be continued
TBDto be {decided,determined,done}
TBHto be honest
TBOMKthe best of my knowledge
TCBtaking care of business
TCOtaken care of
TCOtotal cost of ownership
TFOAthings falling off aircraft
TGIFthank goodness it's Friday
TIAthanks in advance
TIAVPthis is a volunteer project
TICtonque in cheek
TILtoday I learned
TINCthere is no cabal
TINLAthis is not legal advice
TINWISthis is not what I said
TJMthat's just me
TLAthree letter acronym
TLAtrue love always
TLCtender loving care
TLDRtoo long, didn't read
TMtrust me
TMAtoo many abbreviations
TMGtoo much government
TMItoo much information
TMJtemporomandibular joint
TMKto my knowledge
TMTOWTDIthere's more than one way to do it
TNFThe NetBSD Foundation
TOCtable of contents
TOCTOUtime of check to time of use
TOEFLtest of english as a foreign language
TOHto other half
TPtoilet paper
TPTBthe powers that be
TRTthe right thing
TTBOMKto the best of my knowledge
TTFNta ta for now
TTMto the moderator
TTTthought that too
TTYLtalk to you later
TTYStalk to you soon
TWAINthing without an interesting name
TWDTthe whole damn thing
TWIAVBPthe world is a very big place
TYthank you
TYVMthank you very much
UGTuniversal greeting time
UR{you're, you are}
UTSLuse the source, Luke
VCRvideo cassette recorder
VEGvery evil grin
VIPvery important person
WAFWOTwhat a foolish waste of time
WAGwild-ass guess
WBwelcome back
WCPGWwhat could possibly go wrong
WDYMBTwhat do you mean by that
WELCworking effectively with legacy code
WFHworking from home
WFMworks for me
WIBNIwouldn't it be nice if
WIPwork in progress
WMNCwatch me not care
WOMBATwaste of money, brain, and time
WRTwith respect to
WTB{waiting,want,willing} to buy
WTFwhere's the food
WTGway to go
WTH{what,when,where,who,why} the hell
WTS{waiting,want,willing} to sell
WTT{waiting,want,willing} to trade
WWJDwhat would Jesus do?
YAGNIyou ain't gonna need it
YALIMOyou are lame, in my opinion
YAOTMyet another off-topic message
YCTATyou can't troll a troll
YGMyou got mail
YHBTyou have been trolled
YHLyou have lost
YKWIMyou know what I mean
YMMVyour mileage may vary
YOLOyou only live once
YWyou're welcome
YWSYLSyou win some, you lose some




AFUall fucked up
REDABlind Gay
KARAFIBlind Gay's BF
BAMFbad-ass motherfucker
BFDbig fucking deal
BFHbig fucking hammer
BTFOblown the fuck out
DGAFdon't give a fuck
DGASdon't give a shit
FFSfor fuck's sake
FIGJAMfuck I'm good, just ask me
FIIK{fuck,fucked} if I know
FIIR{fuck,fucked} if I {recall,remember}
FMfucking magic
FMLfuck my life
FOAD{fall over,fuck off} and die
FOSfull of shit
FTFAfrom the fucking article
FTFMfuck the fuckin' manual!
FTMFWfor the motherfucking win
FTSfuck that shit
FUBARfucked up beyond all recognition
FYIADfuck you, I'm a dragon!
GAFgive a fuck
GFYgo fuck yourself
GTFOget the fuck out
IHAFCI haven't a fucking clue
IHNFCI have no fucking clue
JFGIjust fucking Google it
JFWjust fucking works
LMFAOlaughing my fucking ass off
LGBTQ+Aliens Pro Max
NFCno fucking clue
NFIno fucking idea
NFWno fucking way
NOYFBnone of your fucking business
NTSAnot this shit again
OFCof fucking course
OMFGoh my fucking God
PFOplease fuck off
POSpiece of shit
REMFrear echelon motherfucker
RTFBread the {fine,fucking} book
RTFCread the {fine,fucking} code
RTFDread the {fine,fucking} documentation
RTFMread the {fine,fucking} manual
RTFMPread the {fine,fucking} man page
RTFSread the {fine,fucking} source
SFAsweet fuck all
SNAFUsituation normal, all fucked up
SNCAshit no one cares about
SOLshit out [of] luck
STFAsearch the fucking archives
STFUshut the fuck up
STFWsearch the fucking web
SWFGsearch with fucking Google
WOFTAMwaste of fucking time and money
WTF{what,when,where,who,why} the fuck
WTFRUDwhat the fuck are you doing
YMAyo momma's ass
YTFwhy the fuck
GAYNo one but You -_-
MTFMother Fucker
UWUFuck Off Bitch!
YKYamete Kudasai